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Lunar Eclipse Or ‘Chandra Grahan’ On November 30: Details Inside

Lunar Eclipse Or 'Chandra Grahan' On November 30: Details Inside
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This year’s fourth lunar eclipse, also known as Chandra Grahan will occur on Monday, November 30.

According to, the lunar eclipse will be seen in most of Europe, most of Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic. However, the visibility will depend on the weather condition in each location.

During a lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon. There are three kinds of lunar eclipse – total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and penumbral lunar eclipse. This would be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse- A total penumbral lunar eclipse is a phenomenon wherein the Moon gets completely immersed in the penumbral cone of the Earth, but does not touch the umbra. During this phenomenon, the path of the Moon makes its way through the penumbra, while the outside the umbra is very narrow. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs only on the Earth’s northern or southern penumbral edges.

In India, the lunar eclipse 2020 will start at 1:04 pm and end at 5:22 pm. The eclipse will be at its maximum at 3:13 pm.

The penumbral eclipse would be partially visible in India only from some northern and eastern parts of the country.

According to, in Guwahati, the lunar eclipse will begin at 4:32 pm and end at 5:23 pm. The eclipse will be at its maximum at 4:35 pm in Guwahati.


This penumbral eclipse would not be complete as the penumbral shadow of the earth would cover only 82% of the moon during the maximum of the eclipse.

This year, a total of four lunar eclipses were expected to take place, out of which the first lunar eclipse took place on January 10, the second on June 5 and the third on July 5. Incidentally, the three previous lunar eclipses that occurred this year were Penumbral.

The November 30 lunar eclipse will be the fourth lunar eclipse of this year.

The next lunar eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021.

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